When you hear about cravings, it’s normally in relation to pregnant women. However, most people experience cravings at one time or another.

The trick is learning how to beat unhealthy cravings so you don’t add unneeded weight and bad eating habits to the mix. Read on for 9 ways to help you beat those cravings.

* The best way to avoid unhealthy cravings is to ensure you’re eating healthy foods throughout the day, beginning with breakfast. Be sure to eat some protein first thing in the morning along with some complex carbohydrates and fruit. Eating a good breakfast each day will help you remain full until lunch and help curb unhealthy cravings.

* Many unhealthy food cravings are caused because your blood sugar level changes throughout the day after eating a good breakfast. Have a piece of fruit or another healthy snack between breakfast and lunch if you feel yourself getting hungry. In fact, having access to smart snacks like fruit, low-fat or fat-free yogurt, nuts, vegetable sticks or whole wheat crackers will help you avoid the unhealthy choices.

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Guest post by:  Alexis Bonari 

Diet killers surround us. They come in the form of preprepared foods on our supermarket shelves and from our favorite restaurants. Choosing your food wisely can make or break your diet plans. Here are four of the worst offenders to guard against:

1. High fat extras.

It’s no secret that restaurants add high fat, high calorie ingredients to their food whenever they can. Adding fat is a cheap, easy way to make food taste better than it really is. High fat hamburger makes extra tasty hamburgers without any added seasoning. A salad loaded with cheese and cream based dressing is more cheaply prepared than a salad loaded with dried fruit, grilled shrimp, and quality balsamic vinaigrette.

Educate yourself about calorie counts in common foods. You’ll soon realize that many of your favorite foods can be modified to pack a lower calorie punch. A choice as simple as switching from a regular size cheeseburger to a small hamburger for lunch can reduce your daily intake by 300 calories.

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Are you trying to get a weight-loss program started?  Losing those last few pounds can be a troublesome process, but it can be done. If you are thinking about losing a few pounds or more, here are some easy ways to help you get started.

How to Get Going

1.   Drink plenty of water – Water gives the body an internal shower. It also nourishes the cells and can help you to feel full before meals so you don’t eat as much. Nutritionists recommend at least eight glasses a day.

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Guest Post by Mike Tennant
Fast food restaurants line the streets. Gym memberships get more and more expensive every month. Tight deadlines at work mean little time for worrying about proper nutrition during the day. And on top of all that, busy family schedules make fixing a wholesome meal on a regular basis all the more difficult.
Let’s face it – there are so many factors working against those of us trying to lose weight these days.
One factor in particular can really damage your bottom line – weight loss wise. Stress. Stress can rear its ugly head at a moment’s notice, and can be caused by just about anything. Work, social events, even your family can cause stress. Not only stress harmful to your mind and body, but it can also lead to other more unhealthy habits. Those suffering from high stress levels easily turn to unhealthy things like junk food rather than dealing with the real problem – stress. Of course that cheeseburger will make you feel better right now – but the long-term consequences just aren’t worth it.

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Carrot cake 2Image via Wikipedia


2 cups white flour
1½ tsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
1½ cups sugar
½ tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
2 cups grated carrots
1 cup chopped fresh pineapple, or 1 cup chopped frozen pineapple, thawed
½ cup canola oil
¼ cup applesauce
3 large egg whites
1 cup ground walnuts
1/4 cup plain rice milk
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp vanilla


Preheat the oven to 350° F and grease a 9” springform.

Sift flour into a large mixing bowl and add baking powder, baking soda, sugar, salt and spices.
Separately, mix the pineapple, canola oil, applesauce, egg whites, rice milk, vinegar and vanilla, preferably in food processor. Add mixture to the dry ingredients and add the carrots and walnuts. Stir until well combined.

Pour mixture into springform pan and bake for about 40 minutes. Do the prick test with a fork or a toothpick to see if the cake is done. Let it cool and cover with Dairy-Free Cream Cheese Frosting.


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This is a super quick and delicious frosting recipe that will make about 2 cups of yummy and creamy frosting that can be enjoyed by people with dairy allergies.


½ cup dairy-free soy margarine
8 oz dairy-free cream cheese
4 cups powdered sugar (preferably organic)


With an electric mixer, beat all ingredients for about 5 minutes. Frosting is ready when creamy and fluffy. Frost your favorite cakes with this delicious frosting.

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Guest Post by Steve Jasper
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 300,000 people die every year as a result of obesity. As many as 34 percent of all adults are obese, which is more than double the levels seen 30 years ago; and it's even worse in children. These figures are even more significant when you realize that the majority of cases stem from poor eating and exercise habits. Obesity isn't some unbeatable disease; it can be stopped, but if only the proper steps are taken to prevent it.

The best way to do this is simply by exercising. However, the truth is that only a fraction of people are regular routine gym-goers who work out tirelessly on ellipticals or weight machines in order to keep their bodies healthy and active. Most people avoid the gym or only go periodically and don't understand that working out serves a more important function than just building muscles. Working out can help you improve your body image, self-confidence, and when it comes to the obesity epidemic can even save your life.

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When we want to make changes in ourselves it can seem like an overwhelming task. Where do we begin? Start with the most important and pressing matters.

Here are six tips for transforming your overall wellbeing.

1.  Before you do anything, make a list   This list will help you to prioritize your life. Most of us simply say that we need a total overhaul, but there have to be some specifics or we won’t even get past square one. Look at what is most affecting you right now that needs to change. This will be the first step.

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Why do we make exercising more complicated than it has to be? Some people are gung-ho when they start but a month later they have thrown in the towel on their fitness dreams. Don’t let that be you. Learn how to avoid common mistakes.

Exercise is the one activity that people will jump into without knowing that they are doing. A good fitness program benefits from some research beforehand. Reading up on exercise can save you time and money in the club or home gym. When you know how to work your body and also how to listen to your body, you will stick to a regimen longer. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them:

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Photography by KML - Photography by KML features the fine art and stock images of photographer, Kathy Libby. KML specializes in Landscape and Nature photos. The stock photos include concepts, food, backgrounds, abstracts, sports, architecture, transportation, and people.

Michelle's Menagerie - Everything about me, my life and especially my pets.

Cooking Japanese Style - Here's my blog about Japanese Cooking, Recipes, and Japanese Foods. That I like to share with everyone.

Sparkle - Sparkle is the author of two cat-to-cat advice books (no humans!), has her own Muse Medallion-winning calendar and is one of the original cat bloggers - she has been blogging since January, 2003!

Winesworld The Amateurs Wine Guide - WinesWorld is a friendly wine guide for amateurs, by amateurs.

Lainy's Musings - A blog showcasing my mutterings, random rants, raves and whinings on life's daily maneuvers.

Parent Times - Parenting and personal insights of a working mother.

How to Make Money - This is my internet marketing blog. I try to drop back on all websites that drop their card on my blog, so consider dropping by. 1000 ECs to top dropper on 7th June. :)

Slightly Sarcastic - Sarcasm, stories and lots of BS

Mutual Love - Sharing tender loving care and make this world a better place to stay.

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We can all use a metabolism boost once in a while. Sometimes we just feel sluggish or heavy and other times we’re ready to embark on a fitness routine and need a little “oomph” to get us going. Whatever the situation, these tips will help you kick-start your metabolism into its optimum point.

#1 – Eat little and often.

  •  When we eat overly large meals we slow our system down. This is because our digestive system is working overtime to digest all the extra food. Once your system is finished doing all that hard work, it simply wants to slow down and rest.
  • It makes perfect sense then, that by eating small meals regularly throughout the day, you keep your system running at its optimum. Your body is better able to quickly and easily digest the smaller amount of food and will be ready to get to work once you eat again.
  • By serving smaller portion sizes and adding a few regular snacks to your day, you can really boost your metabolism. Ensuring the meals and snacks are healthy and balanced will go a long way as well.

#2 – Drink green tea.
  •  Studies have shown that drinking green tea can boost the metabolism. Green tea is also full of antioxidants that are important to good health. So why not give it a try? It’s good for you and you can boost your metabolism on a regular basis.

#3 – Eat spicy foods.
  • Spicy foods, similarly to green tea, can boost your metabolism. And you don’t need too much spice to put a kick in your system. By adding hot mustard and/or peppers to your sandwich at lunchtime and a little spice to your dinner, you can keep your metabolism at its best.

#4 – Start resistance training.
  • Nothing boosts the metabolism faster than adding a few resistance exercises to your routine. By strength training, you burn more fat and boost your metabolism. This means that even twelve hours after your workout you will still be burning calories. Resistance training can make a huge impact on your metabolism.
  • Start slowly and increase as you feel comfortable. Even just a few simple overall body routines performed three times a week can do the trick.

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Enjoy this very healthy breakfast smoothie that is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber that will give you the best possible start to your day.

Combine the following various fruits and orange juice in a blender and process everything until nice and smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until well mixed.

Banana, Berries & ButtermilkImage by diekatrin via Flickr

1 banana, chopped
1 kiwi, peeled
½ apple, chopped
½ cup of frozen mixed berries
1 cup orange juice
½ cup soy milk
½ cup low fat plain yogurt
3 tbsp unsalted peanut butter
2 tbsp flaxseed oil

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In today’s society, everyone is on a tight schedule. There is no room for error in those schedules, let alone cooking meals for the family. As a result, we have become a processed food generation that is sustained on preserved fare filled with chemicals. If you want to maintain your weight loss or lose weight, get off that train now.

When cars could be mass produced on an assembly line, it was a revolutionary step. We’ve applied the same technique to our food and it’s not going as well. Processed foods keep longer, but at what cost to our health?

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As a parent, you want what’s best for your children. You want them to be healthy and happy. One way to ensure they’re healthy is to inspire them to embrace exercise. If they learn to love to exercise as a child, they’ll be more likely to continue into adulthood.

Very young children seem to be a ball of perpetual motion. However, the older they get the less likely they are to stay active. Part of the reason children aren’t as active when they are growing up is that schools don’t stress physical education the way they once did. Parents also don’t feel allowing their child to play in the neighborhood is as safe as it once was.

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Everyone needs physical activity in their daily lives. Exercise is not just for people trying to lose weight or get ripped. One way to have together time with family and stay healthy is to institute a family fitness time.

These days, even our kids are busy. They have homework, afterschool activities and friends that they like to hang out with. Our day is slammed as well. When we do get to come together, family time is important. To ensure that you get family time each day, though you are busy, let that time do double duty.

When your schedule is packed, any time that can serve dual purposes is a ray of light. Instead of you trying to find time to exercise alone, get the entire family together to exercises. This way, each person gets activity and you can use the time to bond.

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by: tammylynch

A visualization tool for women who want to be healthy and have the goal of attaining their ideal body weight.

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Guest Post from Shannon Wills

The worst part of exercising for fitness freaks is when they’re forced to take a break from doing what they love so much for some reason or the other. You may be sidelined by an injury or too busy with work and other activities to follow your regular exercise routine, and one side effect of this is that you tend to put on weight even before you realize you’ve done so, especially if the break extends for some time. While it may not be possible for you to exercise according to your regular schedule, there are methods that you could adopt to ensure that you do not add on those unnecessary pounds that you worked so hard to shed in the first place.

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You know, fitness and nutrition guy Jon Benson has a humorous way of putting things that we all need to hear. I received this email from him today and had to share it with you. It's not only funny, it's true.

Read on...

Hello EJ

6 Strange Dietary Bedfellows

What do these six things have in common?

--- McDonalds
--- Renee Zellweger
--- Epileptic children
--- Yours truly
--- Most bodybuilding and fitness competitors
--- Kiefer Sutherland

Give up?

All the above employ the strategies of the low-carb dietplan.

Recently researchers have found that low-carb nutrition plan reduced the number of seizures in epileptic children.

Most of the world's leanest physiques get that way on a regimen, limited or not, of low-carbs and higher protein.

Even McDonalds is getting into the act.

Even Renee Zellweger.

Even Kiefer Sutherland.

Even me.


Read on and I'll explain what I mean...

Why Low-Carb Works

When McDonalds starts counting carb grams in their food, you know someone is either jumping on a trend or finally seeing the light.

In this case, both -- but it is a good thing. Low-carb dietplans. They work.

For the masses, they work because they are the easiest nutrition plan to follow when you're busy.

McDonalds and stars like Kiefer Sutherland figured this out. The busy on-the-go guy or gal doesn't want to make the time to prepare six meals per day and carry them around in Tupperware.

When choosing my own lifestyle nutrition plan, time and convenience played a major role. I looked at role models who were very busy, formerly obese, and very lean.

Most of them rely in some form or fashion on a low-carb strategy.

Low-carb also works, much to the hem and haw of traditional doctors and nutritionists, due to the way the body processes fuel.

For those of us fortunate enough to grow up on whole grains and very low-sugar mealplans, a moderate to higher-carb nutrition plan may work just fine.

But most of us grew up eating junk.

Processed foods, fast foods, and downright junk was the cornerstone of our dietplans. That puts your body on the "carb defense."

After years of abuse the body becomes resistant to carbohydrates. The insulin they produce can cause all sorts of health issues, fat-burning problems, and more.

When carbs are removed, even healthy carbs like whole grains, the body has time to re-adjust.

In some cases, you can go back to a moderate-carb plan with whole grains and fruits after a period of time.

In others, you are a "low-carber" for life.

Guess which one I am?

Finally, low-carb works because you tend to eat less. Fat is very satiating, and most low-carb plans are fairly high in dietaryfat.

So, in recap:

--- Easy and convenient;
--- Metabolically important for carb recovery;
--- Lower in total food volume (eat less)

Do not make light of that first point. Any plan that is not simple is one very few people will stick to. Making your plan simple and tasty is key, even if that plan is not "perfect" by nutritional standards.

Now, by far, the best low-carb dietplan in the world (yes, I'm bias for good reason!) is this:

click here ------ Every Other Day Diet

EODD works so well because your carbs are low for "most" of the time. Not "all" of the time. And the times when your carbs are not low you can enjoy your favorite foods.

Personally I enjoy pizza and burgers on my non-low-carb days. You can enjoy whatever you want if you just keep it reasonable.

You see, there's no need to diet-perfect.

Progress always trumps perfection.


Why Low-Carb Fails


There are two primary reasons for the failure of the low-carb nutrition plans: boredom and media bashing.

One causes irritability. The other, doubt. Unless you're certain that your plan will work, you will eventually go off of it.

This is true of any plan, no matter how ideal it is. Certainty rules.

That's why I believe in having a flexible, tasty plan like EODD.

Then boredom is easily solved.

I share my own unique ideas about "cycling" carbs and fats in the presentation here:

click here ------ Every Other Day Diet

Using my cycle strategy you will rarely if ever become bored. And your body will burn more bodyfat too. It's just a cheap metabolic trick...but boy, it works.

The second reason is media and medical bias. One study after another has proven that low-carb plans, even the Atkins plan, works and is safe to use for most people.

Check with your doctor first, of course.

I've seen researchers get down-right angry when the results come back. In one study, carried out for a full year, the low-carb plan out-performed the so-called "healthy" Dean Ornish plan.

Lower blood fats, more fatloss, and more energy were the results.

My preference always comes back to low-carb nutrition. I just cycle it in a way that allows me to get plenty of veggies, some grains, and ample fiber.

Even a slice of cheesecake here and there... : )

Hey...I said "low-carb", not "low-life!"

P.S. One of these days the mainstream medical community will wake up to the fact that 90% of the population will never eat 15 servings of veggies per day.

While this may be "optimal", it's not at all practical. I'd rather give you down-to- earth practical nutrition advice that you CAN and WILL follow -- and enjoy.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

click here ------ Every Other Day Diet 

Jon Benson

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